Thursday 31 March 2011

By Banned meeting is the violates legal and judicial laws

CHRR - Bahareh Hedayat who is a member of the Central Council and spokeswoman for Daftar Tahkim Vahdat and active campaign for thousand signatures, remained in prison from the midnight of the 1st of January 2009.

In 1st of January, she was arrested and was sent to Evin prison section 209 for the fifth times in last four years. The section 28 of the revolutionary court was confirmed her appeals for nine years and half imprisonment for she who was just the student activist. This sentence is the heaviest appeals which have been issued for the members of Islamic Associations of the universities since these associations were establishment.

Bahareh Hedayat was born on 16 April 1981, before her last detonation on 2009. She was arrested several times , the first time was in the women rally which was on June 22nd in 2005, the second time was sitting in front of amir kabir university as a member of Daftar Tahkim Vahdat on 18th July 2007, another time was in summer 2008 while she was in her father’s home and the last one was the first of Persian new year which they arrested her in front of Evin prison.

Over 15months which Bahareh is arrested, she is still deprived of her basic rights; her husband was denied several times for meeting her like yesterday. These deprivation was happened while their last visit was last March which they could meet each other for few minutes after three months of the banned from having visitors.

With the coming New Year (Norouz) ,the number of the political prisoners were free or leaving the jail. Bahareh Hedayat is still depriving of her basic rights and she doesn’t even could visit her husband. We have done the following conversation occurs with her husband” Amin Ahmadiyan” :

We were optimistic, but we were denied for visiting

We went to visit her yesterday which it was the first Tuesday of the new year and in the woman’s prison, Tuesdays are visiting’s day. So we expected to meet her yesterday while last Tuesday was the official holiday and prisoners were not allowed to have visitors.

According to our last visit in March 16th which was in the solicitor-general’s office . We were optimistic and expected to see the banned issue is resolved but unfortunately, they announced the previous one still remains and a new notification have not been submitted to the prison’s guards. Therefore , they were avoided me and Mahdeye Golro’s husband who is the another imprisoned student activists to meet our wives.

There is not legal prohibition for meeting with prisoners

After couple of months of looking for the reason of this prohibition, from prison’s authorities, judiciary and prosecution, we found out that this is a prohibition order by prosecutor, but without any judicial sentence. In the prison regulations appointed that the exclusion period from meeting for a prisoner, can be up to 3 weeks, but in this case it is already over 12 weeks.

Prisoner has right to get vacation

No body in Metadon section can make phone calls since October, unless has a special permission from prosecutor. We only had a very short meeting in presence of prosecutor. Mrs. Golroo also met her husband in very short time. Although I saw her quickly, but she was physically and mentally fine apparently.

Vacation, meeting, phone call and other facilities like Internet is prisoners’ rights, but they are even prohibited to have a meeting. Based on the prison regulations, a prisoner can half an hour meeting a week and getting a vacation, but Bahareh Hedayat is refused from her basic rights.

Remember names of these prisoners

Considering the recent 2 years of Iranian government disappointing reactions against international organizations and human rights activists, unfortunately there is a crisis situation, but it is necessary to consist and continue to made more international pressure, and just be hopeful for the future.

Translated by: Ravandi

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