Wednesday 26 March 2014

Woman Scream International Poetry Festival in honor of women and against violence

Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Woman Scream is called worldwide by the Mujeres Poetas Internacional MPI (Women Poets International Movement) since November 2011. It was created by the Dominican poetess “Jael Uribe”, based at the Dominican Republic and working internationally to honor its social mission.

March 2014, more than thirty countries have added their voices to the worldwide chain of events at the 4th Woman Scream International Poetry Festival. The initiative born in the Dominican Republic, has spread to several countries, and aims to commemorate women’s poetry, the role of women in society, and to deliver messages of respect, self-esteem and no violence against women, through poetry and cultural activities. The Woman Scream 2014 festival is a chain of simultaneous events with the participation of men and women of different generations. It’s organized by Women Poets International Movement (Movimiento Mujeres Poetas International, MPI, Inc.), and enthusiastically embraced by followers and members from different cultural environments internationally.

Woman Scream 2014 festival is promoted through many social networks and has been recognized internationally by enlisting the support of important institutions worldwide. The primary objectives of the festival are providing a platform to talented women poets who support the cause, and the use of art and poetry as a social tool to promote non-violence against women.

Saba Vasefi , poet, documentary filmmaker and festival director in Sydney said: As a survivor of violence and oppression on a domestic and institutional level I have seen the ways in which violence against women is allowed to exist behind closed doors. I am trying to hold a mirror up to the society that kept me in the shadow of God, government, father, brother and husband. The society that stifled my voice, my language, controlled my body, my work and my words.

I am screaming so that no one can be deaf to these issues any longer no matter how hard they try. I can be a voice for the voiceless.

As long as the vast majority of global wealth is held in the hands of men the patriarchy will maintain its position of power.

This is why we need global feminism and this is why I brought this festival to Sydney.

As long as violence against women exists women need the support of each other, but in order to love one another we must first learn to love ourselves.

Literature is its own freedom and only freedom can write it.

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