Monday 30 June 2014

Iranian bomb directed at Arab world


Man works in mysterious ways. Now so long ago – one, two years – we lived here under the threat of the Iranian nuclear bomb.

Day and night – newspapers, radio and television channels, the government, Knesset members, military officials and commentators, a lot of commentators, explained, asked, answered, warned, threatened, created an existential fear, and suddenly poof! Not a word. No smoke and no fire. As if the earth swallowed up the issue.

Have we forgotten? Absolutely not. So here's the "bottom line" of this article, the ones which preceded it and the ones which will follow: The United States is holding negotiations these days to ease the global sanctions on Iran, and Iran will promise in return not to build a nuclear facility.

And what is the real "bottom line?" My guess is that the Iranians will deceive the Americans and the world, and will one day reach the point of building a nuclear facility – which is an easier word on the ears and on the eyes than a nuclear bomb.

The question is, of course, when will this happen. And we are even more interested in knowing whether we are also on Iran's "list of customers"?

My friend and neighbor, Brigadier-General (res.) Tzuri Sagi, who served as the personal military advisor of Kurdish leader Mullah Mustafa Al-Barzani, is very familiar with the Iraqis, the Kurds and the Iranians. A real great expert.

Let's start from the end: He believes that the Iranians are not building an atom bomb because of us and for us, but that "on this festive occasion" a nuclear arms race will begin in the arena, "and in any event, an atom bomb is not a good thing for us, because we are not familiar with their crazy people who believe in their god, and wherever God is involved it's likely not to end well."

Sagi believes that the Iranian nukes were born in the Iranian oil area in Khuzestan, east of Shatt al-Arab. This is Iran's main source of oil and primary source of life. The area is inhabited by Sunni Arabs.

Egypt's leader at the time, Gamal Abdel Nasser, called for the release of Khuzestan's Arabs from Iranian rule, and that's how Israel's amazing alliance with Iran at the time was created. The basis was: My enemy's enemy is my friend. We Israelis were in the capacity of friends then.

The idea at the time was to guide the Kurds on how to confine the Iraqis to the northern part of their country, thereby keeping them – and their coveting eyes – away from the oil wells of Iranian Khuzestan. Today we can already reveal that it was the IDF and the State of Israel which prepared the plans to defend Khuzestan and the oil flowing from its lands.

The Khomeini revolution weakened the Iranian army, which had been involved in everything at the time. The Iraqis, who detected this weakness, seized the opportunity to invade the Khuzestan area. That is where the Iran-Iraq War took place, also over the outlet to the sea, to the Persian Gulf.

The Iranians regained their composure during the war and paid with the lives of a million people for its results, which ended more or less in what is known in the world of soccer as "a tie."

And Sagi says, "Those who lose a million of their people, like the Iranians, look for their real enemies."

The Iranians waited for another round against Iraq after it attacked them with a chemical weapon (gas), and so they began preparing a nuclear bomb as a response.

The Iranians know they cannot rely on Egypt and Jordan, which have signed peace treaties with Israel, and so in the meantime they have taken the road of terror and are helping Hezbollah and Hamas hold the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in abeyance.

Peace in the Arab world is not good for the Iranians, who are building nuclear facilities, mainly against the Arab world, out of farsightedness and thoughts about the future.

In the near future, therefore, the Iranians' goal is to get the global sanctions off their neck, because then the Arab world may also let go of their throat. And upon the sanctions' removal, they will continue building nuclear facilities, i.e. atom bombs.

One has to be completely crazy to use such a bomb against Israel, but one also has to be irresponsible in the State of Israel not to think about it and prepare for it.

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