Saturday 04 April 2015

Iran is leading the West by the nose


What a humiliating shambles the West is making of its policy over the Middle East. In Iraq we are allied to the Shia mullahs of Iran, as their Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force leads the way in trying to crush the Sunni psychopaths of Isil. In Yemen, we are allied to the Sunnis, as we try to stop the same Quds Force trying to take over that country for Shia Iran. In Lausanne the West forlornly claims a “breakthrough” in trying to talk the Iranian regime out of its unshakeable resolve to build a nuclear bomb. Meanwhile, back in Iran itself, the same Revolutionary Guards are imposing a more ruthless reign of terror over its unhappy people than ever.

So desperate is the West to get that nuclear deal that there is no mention of human rights, or the finding of a recent UN report that more than 1,000 Iranians have been hanged or executed since the coming to power of President Rouhani, hailed in the West as a “moderate reformer”. It was the chief Iranian opposition movement, the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI), which first alerted the West to exactly how the Iranian regime was secretly using its civil nuclear research programme as a front for its bid to develop nuclear weapons. It still has every intention of doing so.

Right across the Middle East, it is Iran’s Quds Force that is keeping in power its puppet regimes in Syria and Iraq and is now on the verge of installing another in Yemen. Our naive Western politicians are being led by the nose in every direction.

So powerful is the position the monstrous Tehran regime is establishing across the region that, as the NCRI’s Shahin Gobadi put it to me last week, “this poses a danger to the world far greater than that of Iran one day acquiring nuclear weapons”. And the ineffable John Kerry and Co are too weak and confused to see it.

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