Monday 04 January 2016

No Information About A Brother And Sister Arrested In Boukan

HRANA News Agency – The status of a sister and a brother from Boukan who were arrested separately in late December is unknown.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), after four days since the arrest of Amjad Soleymani, a painter and designer from Boukan (West Azerbaijan Province, Iran), his sister Susan Soleymani also was arrested by the security forces.

Mr Amjad Soleymani was arrested at his workplace on 21 December 2015. It is said that the detaining authority have been from intelligence of IRGC of Boukan.

Susan Soleymani, a Petrochemical Engineer, was arrested after returning from a trip to Iraqi Kurdistan and her office has been sealed by the authorities.

Amjad Soleymani has a history of an eighteen days detention in 2012, since he was released on the bail.

There is not accurate information available about the reasons of the arrest and charges of these brother and sister.

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