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2006 Thursday 03 August

The missiles of Hezbollah can strike everywhere in Israel

TEHERAN - AFP- an Iranian monk who took part in the creation of Hezbollah affirmed that the Lebanese party had missiles being able to strike everywhere in Israel, in an interview published Thursday.

“The arsenal of Hezbollah includes/understands not only Katioucha rockets, but also of the Zelzal-2 missiles which can strike targets up to 250 km, not leaving any place of Israel out of reach”, said the hojatoleslam Ali Akbar Mohtachémi-For to the Iranian daily newspaper Shargh.

Wednesday, from the rockets fired by Hezbollah fell close to Beth Shéan, with more than 60 km of the border of Lebanon, and close to Afoula, to 50 km of the border.

Tuesday, the representative of Hezbollah in Teheran, Abdallah Safieddine, informed that “if necessary, we will aim Tel-Aviv”, to almost 120 km of the border.

The hojatoleslam Mohtachémi-For, former Minister of Interior Department, was one of the founders of Hezbollah Shiite at the beginning of the years 1980, whereas he was an ambassador of Iran in Syria.

In its interview with Shargh, it did not specify where the combatants of Hezbollah would have gotten Zelzal-2 missiles.

Iran always affirmed to give only one moral and political support for Hezbollah, whereas the Westerners and the Israelis showed it to finance and arm the party Shiite.

The Zelzal-2 missile is manufactured by Iran, according to Internet site of the group of information specialized in defense Jane' S.

In July, this review had quoted sources of the Israeli information according to which Hezbollah would hold Zelzal-1 missiles, of a range of approximately 150 km.

According to Mr. Mohtachémi-For, Hezbollah was equipped militarily during five last years, following the Israeli withdrawal of the Lebanon-south in 2000.

“Hezbollah acquired part of its military experiment as a combatant at our sides during the war (Iran-Iraq of 1980-1988, note). They took part in the engagements or directed attacks”, has it says.

The former minister contradicted that members of the Iranian forces fight at the sides of combatants of Hezbollah in Lebanon, but admitted that the latter had been involved by Iranians.

“I constantly hear the Americans and the Israelis said, to camouflage their defeats, that the combatants are of Sepah (members of the Iranian crack corps of the Guards of the Revolution, note), but it is not true”, has it says.

“They are combatants of the Hezbollah Lebanese which became better than their instructors”, it added.

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