Saturday 01 January 2011

Zahra Rahnavard: “Our people do not fear oppression”, In an interview with RASA, Zahra Rahnavard, university professor and [wife of Mir Hossein Mousavi] [discussed] the various aspects of Iran’s democratic Green Movement and the oppressive tactics of the current Iranian regime. She said, ”[Iran is ruled by] one of the most oppressive and violent regimes in its history. Our people do not fear oppression. Despite the continuous arrests and prison sentences our people [have] never hesitated and [even] bravely embrace incarceration.”

Rahnavard added, “Based on our experiences from the time of the Islamic Revolution, we realize that street protests alone do not suffice. Theoretical, organizational, and intellectual dimensions must be added to our street presence.”

Rahnavard reiterated that Iran’s democratic Green Movement is anything but passive and said that the Greens will continue to fight through “fearlessness, the refusal to be silenced, underground resistance, and smiling at one another.” She added, “We are all together and we will use every symbol and tool at our disposal to demonstrate and preserve our unity.”

Rahnavard stressed, “It is important that every individual finds their own path in this democratic movement, but what is most vital, regardless of the path we each select, is to ensure that we never remain silent.” Rahnavard continued, “I believe that a victory easily obtained may also be easily lost. The Islamic Revolution was not an easy victory, but its success was witnessed much sooner than expected. That success however lacked the necessary foundation. Consequently, we witnessed a decline in the first seven to eight years after the Revolution that [paved the way] to now, thirty years later.”

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